
Showing posts from November, 2021

Action Figure Customization – Sgt. Meltdown (Kenner Terminator 2 Homage)

As I mentioned in my latest update post , I was working on customizing a random figure I found at a garage sale (exactly where it’s from and what company made it is still unknown) with the Meltdown Terminator from Kenner’s early 90’s Terminator 2 line and it’s strange yet eye catching color scheme serving as my inspiration. Pictured below is my starting point, the mystery garage sale figure. After washing and lightly sanding the figure, tested the joints for potential areas where paint might rub off by painting some gray brush-on primer over the elbow and knee joints. After the brush-on primer dries, I move the joints for any paint rub. The process isn’t the easiest to photograph, hence the figure’s sick breakdancing moves. After I made sure paint rub wasn’t going to be an issue, I disassembled the figure because I knew I wanted to prime the torso and legs in flat gray and leave the flesh tones the way they are. Lucky for me, this is one of those toys that immediately comes apart afte...

What’s On My Desk – 11/16/21

I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I last made an update post on my current works-in-progress but time has been really flying by this year. As a whole, 2021 feels like a video I’m watching in 2x playback speed.  But without further ado, here’s what’s currently on my desk: Starting from the back row, we have: The Death Barbarian – Started this guy sometime in October and I haven’t done much with him since sculpting his skelly mask in Green Stuff. I need to sand down and smooth out the knee-high boots I sculpted out of milliput and add some additional worbla detailing before this guy is ready to paint. Captain Ray (aka Capitan Rayo) – This summer, I found a Superman Returns figure at a garage sale and had no idea what to do with him until recently. Inspiration struck when I was watching youtube videos on rare action figures (collector holy grails) and thought it might be fun to paint the figure like the legendary Columbian Super Powers figure . Much like Wonderbre...

Miniature Customization - Dead Cells Homage #2 (Heroclix Coversion)

 This is one of my many projects that I started building a while back but never got around to actually finishing until recently. Much like my Dollar Tree Batman customization , this was another homage to the Beheaded from Dead Cells. But this time, I kitbashed it from a handful of discounted Heroclix miniatures that I bought on Ebay as part of a random lot. From the dozen or so Heroclix miniatures, I set aside the ones I thought I would need to start Frankensteining them together. Using Robotman from Doom Patrol as a base, I snipped off Red Shift’s sword arms and severed Xavin’s fireball hand to potentially use as a head (though I would ultimately deem it too big and instead use the fireball hand from a Silver Surfer Heroclix). After beheading the Beheaded, I glued the pieces in place. In addition to swapping out Xavin’s fireball for the Silver Surfer’s, I didn’t want this model to be duel wielding so I lopped off the left hand and replaced it with one from a Hollywood Herocl...

Action Figure Customization - Mighty Minis Blindbag Conversion

After last month's 31 Days of Customs , my plan for this month is to mostly focus on my writing projects and limit my crafting time to little quickie projects like this one as well as possibly wrapping up at least one of the many projects that I've already started. Between the novels I’ve been on-and-off plugging away at over the course of this year, work, and the holiday season, I probably won’t be doing anything on the scale of my two previous projects until a little bit later. That’s not to say that I don’t have an entire month’s worth of projects on the verge of completion that will hopefully see the light of day in the weeks to come, but I digress. This project started life as a whole mess of DCEU Mighty Mini blind bags that I bought for cheap on ebay (about a dollar or so each on average). I picked up two Batman V Superman Mighty Minis and four Justice League 2017 ones. I ended up with one Superman, one Lex Luthor in a mech suit (which I’m guessing was omitted from the Bv...

Action Figure Customization – Green Guardian

When I started this project, I didn’t know whether to customize this DCEU Aquaman figure as either the pagan Green Man deity or the Green Knight of Arthurian legend so I just decided to combine them into a single character and started sketching out rough details from there. I settled on the name “the Green Guardian” because I pictured this character as a kind of forest spirit/champion of the sacred woods (not entirely dissimilar to Swamp Thing, I suppose). Like a lot of these projects there were a handful of details that I knew I wanted to incorporate right off the bat, namely his vine-like hair/beard/eyebrows, a pair of horns or antlers that resembled tree branches, and flocking on his shoulders and bracers (if you didn’t know, flocking is that fake grass you often see in model trainsets and dioramas). While it is a lot of fun to start a project and just wing it, I find that it works out a lot better in the end if you have at least two or three specific details in mind before you ...