What's On My Desk - 10/21/21

 As I continue to juggle multiple projects at once and (despite my best efforts to resist the urge) add new ones all the time, I’m kicking around the idea of making these quickie works-in-progress updates every Thursday. Over the course of the last few days, I’ve shifted my efforts from the usual ninjas and cyborgs (and cyborg ninjas) and whatever else was left over from last week’s What’s On My Desk towards three new projects that are more in line with the spirit of spooky season.

From left to right we have:

  • A fiendish Flesh Golem using a Spider-Man: Far From Home Molten Man figure I got on clearance months ago. Using parts from a Dollar Tree skeleton decoration and some organs and engorged limbs I’m planning to sculpt myself, my goal here is to create my first real monster kitbash (one heavily inspired by Gerogero/Fake President from Final Fantasy VIII). This will be a really fun one to paint, since it has a ton of recesses and textures that should really pop with some washes and dry-brushing. I’m thinking of basecoating it in Citadel Bugman’s Glow (which is a livid reddish pink like raw musculature) and highlighting it with lighter fleshtones.
  • A Green Man/Green Knight-inspired fantasy character that uses a DCEU Aquaman figure that I recently picked up at a Goodwill. I plan to add some mossy/grassy flocking to his shoulder pads (as soon as I make those and a few other worbla details I want to add) and bracers, as well as some vine eyebrows to go with his vine hair and beard extensions. The build is going well so far, I’m especially happy with how his horns/antlers turned out since those are probably the most elaborate things I’ve sculpted out of milliput to date. Though I wish I would have sculpted them with apoxie putty instead since it’s a much harder and more durable material and a much better bet for potentially fragile details like horns, but it’s holding up well enough. I might try to coat them in a superglue shield for that added layer of protection.
  • A Death Barbarian created with an old Hercules: The Legendary Journey figure, which I think was another garage sale find (in fact, I have a few of these Toybiz Hercules figures in my bits bin). Like the Flesh Golem, I’m also incorporating various cheap dollar store Halloween bits into the build like plastic skull rings and parts from the same Dollar Tree skeleton garland I used for Flesh Golem’s head and ribs. His overall look is partly inspired by Death from the Darksiders series of videogames as well as the countless Masters of the Universe bootlegs and knock-offs from the 1980’s.

I hope to wrap these three projects up sometime within the next week or so (if I don’t run out of milliput or get bogged down by work) and once they’re out of the way, I’ll be circling back around to the half dozen or so custom ninjas that I’ve already started and need to finish.


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