My Works-in-Progress and Future Project Ideas

As of right now, I’m away from my apartment and probably will be for the rest of September. Since I drive a compact SUV and not a semi-truck with a full-sized trailer, I unfortunately didn’t take my multitude of crafting supplies and materials with me. Which means I have an endless list of projects waiting for me when I get back, a few of which I’ll share with you here.

“Primeval Frontier” A Sci-Fi Adventure Novel

This writing project was one of my early 2021 resolutions to finish. Thankfully, without the distraction of my other hobbies and the fact that I work remotely on my laptop, I can hopefully have more time to focus on finishing the complete draft this month (phase four of my five phase creative writing process). Currently I’m on Chapter 18 of 36 though I’m always in danger of splitting chapters into two as well as adding new ones as “buffer” chapters and deleting others entirely.

Not going to go into any plot details here, but it’s heavily inspired by the Men’s Adventure paperbacks of the 1970’s (Death Merchant and Mack Bolan in particular), the historical Longhunters of the 18th century and the legendary Gurkha fighters from Nepal, as well as the video games like Spec Ops: The Line and the Monster Hunter and Lost Planet series.

After finishing the complete draft, my plan is to edit and proof the chapters one by one and post them on a site like Wattpad and/or Honeyfeed as I go in a serialized format (which I've never tried before). I also have another novel in the works that’s prepped and ready for its complete draft (a science fiction detective epic) that I hope to start by November.

Ninja Commando (Part 2) – The Painting Phase

I’m still very much intending to paint my first “premium” action figure customization project, the Ninja Commando, so here’s a little update on that front.

After I primed it (first with Angelus Leather primer and then my usual Rustoleum flat gray spray primer), it was very sticky and still wasn’t fully dry after several days. In a blind panic, I rewashed the figure, scrubbed it with nail polish remover on an old tooth brush, gave it the baking soda treatment, and reapplied the Angelus primer. I can probably start painting it when I get home (honestly, it was probably already ready for painting after I applied the Angelus but I’ve gotten into the habit of priming all of my customs in a uniform gray), though the whole thing has forced my hand into ordering some Dupli-color adhesion promoter spray for future projects and I’m still on the fence about whether or not I want to plop down $25 for Bulldog primer. I’ll probably see how the Dupli-color works out when I eventually get to try it.

Aside from my primer woes, I’m definitely going to trim off that one piece I added in his chest plate when I get home. Only after priming him in all one color did it made me realize that he’s a bit too heavily armored for a ninja or a commando, but the torso armor is a nod to the Night Creepers from GI Joe so I don’t regret its inclusion. I also filled in some of the remaining gaps with Milliput which I hope will give the armor pieces a more unified look. All in all, I’m still really excited to actually start painting this figure and I have a really good feeling about how it’s going to turn out.

The Next Wave of Fireteam X

In my push to try and use up the last of my bootleg toy soldiers and Iron Man parts (as well as some other action figure parts to mix things up), I decided to kitbash a handful of Fireteam X figures at once. I’m planning on adding one more hero character to Fireteam X (I still haven’t come up with a name for that guy) as well as two bad guys (Vanguard Zeta and Headcannon). Each will get their own separate articles, but for now, here’s a little preview.

These guys probably won’t be a priority but something to occupy me in-between some of the more ambitious, less free-form action figure customizations and miniature conversion projects that I’ve been itching to start. Ideally, I still want to do a vehicle for them, two more bad guys (I’m thinking maybe an “army builder” type character and a big bad who will serve as the Cobra Commander/Skeletor of the line), and possibly an accessory pack before I fully close the book on my Fireteam X project.

Some More Beginner Miniature Painting Kits

I’ve finally acquired Reaper brand Layer-Up kit (which I alluded to in my article about their basic Core Skills set) which I already started on, beginning with the first of three miniatures that it included (as you can see from the red wood elf), but I obviously didn’t finish yet. I also have another beginner’s kit from Vallejo with an awesome selection of paints and my first ever miniature made out of metal (which is a little daunting considering I’ve only painted on plastics and whatever resin Reaper uses for their non-metal minis).

Hopefully, I’ll continue to learn a lot from these and elevate my mini painting game. I’ve leafed through the instructional booklets of each and they’re quite thorough.

But Wait, There’s More!

Here are some more proposed crafting projects that I’ve listed out in my crafting projects notebook that I plan to dive right into once I get home, but I figured I’d regurgitate them here.

·         Ghostrunner-inspired Cyberpunk Ninja Figure – Using the body of a Star Wars Cassian Andor figure I got on clearance (adding a hood to his jacket), a pair of robot hands from my Armored Puppet Ryuen model kit (it came with a lot of them), and a spare Iron Man head that I plan to heavily modify to look more in line with the face design of the Ghostrunner character and/or Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid. Should be a fun one.

·         A Ryu Hayabusa-inspired Ninja Figure – So I recently acquired a handful of dirt cheap loose Fortnite figures on ebay. I don’t play Fortnite (or have any plans to) but like I said, the figures were cheap and they were in the 4” that I’ve gotten so used to working in. My tentative plan at the moment is to put a Raptor figure’s head on Carbide’s body, using Bandolier’s exposed arms and then heavily modifying the head so that it resembles more of a ninja mask rather than a ski mask and using a modified model piece or using Green Stuff to sculpt a Ryu Hayabusa-esque “metal” headpiece that goes on the upper part of his mask. It will be interesting taking these figure apart.

·         Heroclix Miniature Conversions – I bought 25 random Marvel and DC Heroclix on ebay recently since I’ve been watching a bunch of youtube videos of talented crafters taking random Heroclix and converting them into the various fantasy monsters and characters for D&D and tabletop games. While I don’t play D&D or tabletop games, I still think converting these Heroclixs into custom miniatures is going to be a lot of fun and as well as a pretty interesting running series of articles for the blog.

·         Dead Cells-inspired “Beheaded” Figures and/or miniatures While I’m pretty rotten at the game Dead Cells (and roguelikes in general, though I’ll never get tired of playing them) I’m kind of enamored with the look of the game’s protagonist, the enigmatic Beheaded. I have three potential candidates for creating my own custom Beheaded-inspired figure:

o   My aforementioned Heroclix (several characters in the lot I ordered have huge fireball effects I can use easily for the head, maybe add a bead for his cyclopean eye).

o   A Batman miniature I got from the Dollar Tree (his cape could be trimmed down to resemble the character’s ragged cloak). Plus, I've been watching some youtube videos about sculpting flames and fireballs using green stuff, so it will be interesting to try it out here.

o   One of several fully articulated figures I have in my bits bin (the bits box has officially expanded to a full-sized bin that I found at a garage sale). I have a 6” Power Rangers figure I got on clearance quite some time ago but thought his proportions too weird to do anything with at the time, but they might just fit the kind of angular, cartoony style of the Beheaded. Ideally, it might be fun to do all three skews with a different deco as a wink and a nod to the various outfits the Beadheaded can unlock throughout the game and a different color for the flaming head (yellow/orange or blue fireball for one, a black shadow flame for another, and maybe an ethereal green flame for the other).

·         A set of custom Microman/Micronauts Inspired Figures? – I have some translucent plastic figures that I might kitbash with other figures to make an homage line to the Microman/Henshin Cyborg/Micronauts series. I always liked the look of the silver heads and translucent body parts, as well as the amusing cosplay themes a lot of the Japanese Microman figures have, and it might be fun to try out something similar.

·         A Series of Dieselpunk Toy Soldiers – So a while back, I got yet another bag of bootleg toy soldiers from China, this time in a more articulated 3.75” scale that looks to be a knockoff of the older Lanard Corps figures (where are, in turn, kind of a knockoff of the GI Joe: Real American Heroes). I stuffed them in my crafting cupboard until such a time that I could come up with an idea of what the heck to do with them. Recently, I’ve become a bit fascinated with the Dieselpunk genre after seeing the trailer to the video game FIST: Forged in Shadow Torch (though I’ll probably wait for the PC release of that one) and I’ve begun reading some Dieselpunk anthology books. And since a lot of Dieselpunk fiction deals with war (particular WWI up through WWII with crazy anachronistic weapons and tech), I might be able to come up with some fun ideas.

·         Futuristic Samurai Figure from a 6” Nightwing – So I bought a 6” Spin Master Nightwing figure for parts a while back but like the knockoff Corps figures, I couldn’t immediately think of anything to do with him (plus he was only 5 points of articulation, which kind of sucks compared to Spin Master’s excellent 4” line of Batman figures). But since he has a kind of anime-type hair and look to him, I figured I might be able to kitbash him into a custom futuristic/cyberpunky swordsman type figure along the lines of Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 4 and MGS Revengeance (and maybe even sculpt or kitbash him a Ronin-gasa or Jingasa-style samurai hat). Just a spur of the moment idea if I don’t think of something better for the figure.

·         Demonic Biker custom figures ­ I really like the look of the Black Skulls bikers from the film “Mandy” (one of the few modern movies that I actually like) and their spiky, demonic aesthetic could lend itself well to kitbashing. I have some derpy looking toy soldiers I got off of Amazon that didn’t scale with my Fireteam X line or anything else I had in the works, but I might be able to transform them into a line of black clad occult bikers, using some Green Stuff and spare Lego visors to potentially turn their oversized looking army helmets into motorcycle helmets. Plus, toy motorcycles for these scale of figures are pretty cheap as well, so I might be able to do something there if I’m feeling up to it.

·         Kunoichi/Ninja Sisters – So in my stockpiling of various parts and accessories, I have two or three identical Dollar Tree Final Faction Shift figures and no real plans for them (or any of my other Final Faction toys for that matter). Since their overall character designs and body patterns might lend themselves well to this sort of thing, it might be worthwhile to kitbash them into kunoichi (female ninja). Though the figures are identical, their decos would follow a different theme with as “gender-swapped”/cosplay homages to famous ninja (Strider, Storm Shadow, Raiden from MGS, Cyber Shadow) or each one having a different environmental camo theme since I’m so fond of painting camouflage (urban ninja, jungle camo ninja, night camo ninja). I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

So as you can probably guess, I’m someone who is never bored when I’m at home. I have writing projects and crafting projects to lasts me for a long, long time to come.

Oh and don’t be too disappointed if one or several of these don’t actually come to fruition and appear in an article since I'm nothing if not overly ambitious with my creative projects and I never know if something will work out until I really get down into it. This is just me taking stock of the materials I have on hand and spit balling ideas on what I might be able to do with them. Until then, I might just post a few more writing-related articles over the next few weeks (if I can think of anything) and then hopefully we can return to our regularly scheduled crafting.


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