My Works-in-Progress and Future Project Ideas

As of right now, I’m away from my apartment and probably will be for the rest of September. Since I drive a compact SUV and not a semi-truck with a full-sized trailer, I unfortunately didn’t take my multitude of crafting supplies and materials with me. Which means I have an endless list of projects waiting for me when I get back, a few of which I’ll share with you here. “Primeval Frontier” A Sci-Fi Adventure Novel This writing project was one of my early 2021 resolutions to finish. Thankfully, without the distraction of my other hobbies and the fact that I work remotely on my laptop, I can hopefully have more time to focus on finishing the complete draft this month (phase four of my five phase creative writing process ). Currently I’m on Chapter 18 of 36 though I’m always in danger of splitting chapters into two as well as adding new ones as “buffer” chapters and deleting others entirely. Not going to go into any plot details here, but it’s heavily inspired by the Men’s Adventure...