Shop Log - 9/21/22

Oof, I really don’t like going this long without updating the oId hobby blog but it’s better late than never, I suppose. I’ve had some trouble focusing on one thing these last few months and September has been especially bad. As far as where I’ve been, I spent the first week (and change) of the month visiting family in Ohio and I’ve more or less take a short break from crafting so as not to burn myself out from overwork for the second (or possibly even the third) time this year. And while I haven’t been working like a dog on any one thing on my perpetually growing mountain of projects since then, I have been working on a lot of different things in miniscule chunks. Here’s just a few of them. But before I get into those, I did make a tiny bit of progress on my ongoing Mr. Boneface project. I’ve come to think of this as a more long-term project, since every new challenge I encounter with what I had envisioned for the Mr. Boneface series of action figures has made it less and less of t...