
Showing posts from May, 2022

Projects Log 5/25/22 – Sanding, Sculpting Practice, Dr. Manhattan Baltard, and a Surprise Custom Action Figure

So I finally got the methyl ethyl ketone/MEK in the mail yesterday and I should, in theory, have everything I need now to prep my flexible resin castings for paint per the method I picked up from Rainbow Yawn  (who, to recap, was having the same problem that I was with his bootleg He-Man figures). I had trouble sleeping last night, so I finished dremeling my castings. My neighbors just moved out not too long ago so I wasn’t worried (and I doubt they would have heard the dremel through the walls anyway). I probably don’t need to tell you how much quicker and more efficient this was than continuing to take a sanding sponge and little sanding sticks to everything. I also mixed up some Milliput for the first time in forever and filled in some of the more persistent air bubble holes, particularly in the left foot on some of the castings as well as other holey areas that didn’t respond well to my earlier attempts at surfacing and sanding them away. During my lunch break, I had an hour to...

Projects Log 5/18/22: Head Castings, Resurfacing, More Paint Tests

 This should hopefully be a quicker read than my previous  projects log as I don’t have as much to discuss, but I’ve been making some progress while I continue to wait for the materials that I ordered, which I’m hoping will help solve my paint adhesion problem. Before I begin my next (and hopefully last) round of sanding, I’m hitting all the parts with another round of Mr. Surfacer. I used the last of my Mr. Surfacer 500 spray on these torsos, arms, and heads pictured above, so I switched to Mr. Surfacer 1000. I still have an entire pot of the brush-on version of Mr. Surfacer 500 and I’ll strategically apply that to any lingering pinholes on the surface that might have survived the overall coverage. There are still some of the deeper air bubbles in the fingertips and legs (curiously in the spots where I had air vents attached) that I need to fill in with milliput. I’ve been sanding these with a pack of sanding sticks I bought from amazon in combination with a sanding sponge...

Project Log 5/15/22: Paint Tests, Head Sculpts, Tecnicos, Baltards, and JRPGs

Since I’ll mainly be focusing on a handful of the same projects for the foreseeable future, I decided a general Project Log makes more sense than yet another What’s On My Desk update, which up until now was more or less my way of just mentioning what projects I’m currently working on with minimal details on how the projects are actually going. My usual typical was to make a brief update about what I’m working on then do an article about the project from start to finish once I was finally done with it, but as I get busier and busier in my hobby life and non-hobby life, I think a slightly different approach may be necessary going forward. It’s my intent for these Project Logs to combine both the What’s On My Desk WIP updates with what I typically present in my finished project articles and hopefully keep these blog updates coming at a more consistent pace (ideally, at least once a week which is what I’d always intended when I started a blog in the first place). Not saying that I’ll co...

What’s On My Desk (And a Slightly New Direction) – 5/3/22

 It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these updates, so it’s probably a good time to mention that my current focus (at least when it comes to crafting) is on finishing a number of projects that I’m actually planning to sell in the very near future. I need to clear out some space so that I can keep making more, so an Outpost 206 Etsy store is on the horizon.  I’ve also made major strides in my resin casting of late and I’ve got a ton of ideas for “bootleg” resin art toys that I’m excited to share. I do still have a gigantic pile of one-off personal projects as well as some finished projects from March for which I still need to do write-ups, but all of that is taking a backseat to what I’m working on at the moment. I’m still making my own custom action figures and miniatures, but they’ll no longer be limited to an audience of one like my prior dabblings. I need to finish painting all of these hard resin luchador figurines, which I’ll be selling in a series of ten two-p...