Shop Log 12/31/23 - 2023 Send-Off and Current Projects

While a new year is the time for new habits, I’m not ready to let go of my current mission to blog at least once a month. This is a record I’ve proudly kept up with since I started with blog over two years ago (hard to believe it’s really been that long) so here’s yet another end-of-the-month post made out of sheer desperation. And unlike my last few, this will be a relatively short entry because I’m literally writing this at the 11 th hour. The first of the two top-secret (well, not anymore) projects I’m ready to unveil at this point is one of those secret compartment things made out of an old hardcover book. My plan at this point is after I make the actual compartment (and possibly 3D print a custom insert to go inside), I’ll deco the book to look like either a sorcerer’s spell book, an ancient alchemy tome, or a creepy grimoire like the Necronomicon. I want to get the functionality down first. Since I love books and I love crafting, this is a quick weekend project that I’m surpri...