Creating a Functional Action Figure Buck
Another extremely busy month, another last-minute article to maintain my streak of posting at least once a month. But this is one I’m really excited to talk about. Last weekend, I was able to combine what I’ve learned about resin casting and 3D printing to create a function buck system for 4-inch scale, 5POA (five points of articulation) action figure that is specifically designed to be cast in flexible resin (Specialty Resin’s FlexIt90 specifically). Just a disclaimer here before I get into it: I didn’t take quite as many process photos as one might be used to seeing in one of these articles, mostly because I wasn’t sure the process would work until it all came together in the very end. Also, if you don’t know what a buck or buck system is, I recommend watching ToyGuru’s video on the subject. But basically, it’s a blank template for action figures with a common body type. Aside from a few examples like my glyos figures or the odd He-Man bootleg that had just the right pegs and socke...