How I Do It: My Molding and Resin Casting Process (2023 Edition)

Introduction Last year I wrote an article that delved into my silicone mold making process and while the information in that article is still valid and the basic principles remain the same, I’ve picked up a few new methods since then that I think makes the whole molding and casting process that much more efficient and effective. Also, this new article will include my resin casting process and a basic rundown on pressure casting and I’ll be breaking the whole process down into different stages (which I really should have done the first time around). With that out of the way, here’s the main object (or the master) that I’ll be molding and recasting. It’s a 28mm Survivor Witty miniature from Black Site Studios' Demon Ship along with the two head sculpts that came with it. The type of mold I’ll be discussing here will be a simple, one-piece cut-block mold since that’s about 90% of the types of molds I make, with the other 10% being even simpler, one-piece open face molds. Both of w...