
Showing posts from June, 2023

Custom Miniatures Two-For-One (Speed Painting and a Kitbash)

My previous article on kitbashing and speed painting miniatures was a lot of fun to put together, so I decided to do it again with two more mini-projects. This time, the projects consist of one kitbashed miniature using Heroclix as a base and one regular, non-customized miniature that I t hought looked cool. Starting with the kitbashed miniature, I using a Hulk and Bronze Tiger Heroclix. While I have many Hulk and Red Hulk Heroclix miniatures, I decided to go with this one largely due to its vaguely pro wrestling/fighting game-esque pose. Plus, I’d already used this model’s head for my last custom miniature project and hadn’t put its decapitated body back in my junk drawer yet. My mind immediately drifted to King from the Tekken games, Tiger Mask from the anime/manga series, and Red Tiger from Super7’s “The Worst” toyline. I decided to make my own version of a “pro wrestler with a big cat mask” character (it’s practically its own archetype at this point). A head donation from a Bron...

Custom Action Figure – Leo Toys Skeletor (MOTU Origins)

This is one that has been sitting around in various stages of completion since at least August of last year mostly because I kept kicking that proverbial can down the road until I got tired of looking at it on my ever-growing pile of works-in-progress. Much like my last custom , it’s a simple concept that started with a Rit synthetic dye job, followed by mostly dry brushing with some more focused paint applications on the face. But before I get into all of that, I think I should probably explain a bit of this project’s background and the history behind this particular repaint. Basically, I had an extra Masters of the Universe Origins Skeletor figure lying around (it’s the original 2020 version of the figure with the open mouth head sculpt and not the later release) since my brother got it for me as a stocking stuffer during the Christmas of 2021 since these were being clearance out on Amazon for about $6 at the time. I felt a little bit foolish preordering it the year before (along w...