Shop Log – 5/21/23

I haven’t blogged in a while, but what else is new? While work has taken up a lot of my time and energy this year, I’ve still been making the most of what hobby time I have (or trying to at least) so here’s a look at a handful of projects that I have in the works. Since I go a 3D printer last month, it’s helped a lot in rapid prototyping and just printing base parts for my various projects that would have taken an ungodly amount of time to fabricate myself and I’m excited to share exactly how I integrate 3D printing within my usual creative process in future articles. If you’ve been following the blog, you probably noticed that Project OAF stalled out after the last article. The truth is, I still wasn’t happy with how the articulation turned out and while I did try to take a step back and modify the sculpt in a vain attempt to get rid of the gaps between the parts (particularly between the hands and wrists and the arms and torso) but it just wasn’t working. But my 3D printer has giv...