Project OAF - Part 2: Initial Casting and Creating Articulation (First Attempt)
Going forward, I’ve decided to dub my efforts to create a series of my own designer action figures as Project OAF (Original Action Figure). I’ve also retroactively renamed my previous article in this series detailing my ongoing Project OAF efforts. I think it’s a catchy name and OAF adequately describes the overall M.U.S.C.L.E. and Eternia Minis-style aesthetic I’m trying to capture with the stylized proportions and overall design of these figures (at least at this early stage, anyway). An extensive project like this just isn’t the same without a working title and Project OAF fits the bill for now. I’m not really concerned with whether or not I’ll give this series of figures a proper title after I complete the final molds for the buck system that will serve as a base template for all of the characters. And while we’re on the subject of extensive ongoing projects, I’m splitting the articulation process/Phase 2 into two articles. This one will cover the initial casting as well as t...