Project OAF (Original Action Figure) – Part 1: The Clay Sculpt

I briefly mentioned this project in my last update of 2022, but consider this your official introduction to what I’m now calling my first major crafting project of 2023. While this might have started out as a sculpting exercise wherein I attempted to sculpt a five-inch scale figure with proportions similar to those an Eternia Minis He-Man figure, I found that it ended up with something I wanted to turn into the basis of an entirely scratch-built action figure project. More specifically, what I decided was that I wanted to turn this sculpt into a buck system , or a blank template body with interchangeable parts, for my first real series of action figures. Definitively check out the video I linked for more information on what a buck system is and what I want to accomplish here. I’ll be taking you through each of the major phases of this project, with Phase 1 detailing the initial polymer clay sculpt (which you’ll probably see me refer to later as the “rough sculpt” or “clay rough”) of...