Random Resin Recasts and Slapchop Painting

Whenever I’m pouring a silicone mold, I almost always have a spare “dump” mold to catch any excess silicone rubber that I mix up so that nothing goes to waste. Usually, these dump molds are of a miniature figurine and, more often than not, these mini figure molds also serve as a dumping ground for any excess resin when I’m casting something else. And over the course of this year, I’ve accumulated quite the stockpile of recasted figures and had no real plans for what to do with them aside from vague notions of using them to practice my painting skills. Then I decided that it was time to revive my dormant Random Resin Recasts series , only this time around, I think I’m going to focus on whatever I plan to do with these resin duplicates rather than the casting process itself. For these six particular castings, I want to try out a method of miniature painting (though the 5” scale Marx gunslinger figurine is certainly no miniature) that I heard about on youtube. I’m talking about none oth...