Custom Action Figure - Ninja Hunter Cyborg

So this project has been sitting in my “finish eventually” pile since at least October (it’s popped up in quite a few of my What’s On My Desk updates since then), though I finally got around to finish it about a month or two back. Don’t get it twisted, I haven’t been consistently working on this project since October of last year (the end result should be proof enough of that) but something I more or less just built on a tiny bit at a time while I was working on other projects before setting aside and almost forgetting about. With that said, I started off with a cheap Batman from Mattel’s six-inch budget line of DC figures (which I think came out just prior to Mattel losing the license to Spin Master). My plan here was to create a ninja character with robot parts, heavily inspired by the look and overall design of the character Yaiba Kamikaze from the game Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. And much like Yaiba from the game, I’m imagining by “original” character is also a ninja (as well as a cy...